
Act/React is an submission-based zine based out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. We publish articles with a running theme of anti-authoritarian, anarchist politics. Authorship is kept anonymous for the sake of security culture.

In a world where decisions that affect millions are made by less than a thousand of the most privileged of people, very few actions matter. You can write all day about what kind of society you’d like to see and people could read it, but nothing will come of it. You can approach a boss or CEO and ask them to pay you more, but nothing will come of it.

Real change arises from people who take matters into their own hands. Whether its stealing the food you and your family need to eat or slashing the tires of the bosses car so they won’t be there to tell you to work feverishly from open to close, action must be taken and it’s up to the actor to change the lives of themselves and the people around them.

Consider this zine a call to action for anarchists and their friends in the occupied territory known as Grand Rapids. Resist workplace bullying. Resist police repression. Resist government intervention. Resist the economic and social conditions that lead you to believe you aren’t worth it. Because you are, and it’s about damn time you started acting like it.